Monday, June 14, 2010



Dear all, tonight's post won't be about baking because I did not bake at all on Sunday. Why? Well a number of reasons, which I will indulge you in as I've indulged in over-eating at today's shoot. Basically, it will take me a while to explain but you will forgive me and understand completely why it did not come about.

Reason One.

On Saturday I experienced fear on a whole new level. For my birthday this year, my old work crew got my a voucher for a flying trapeze lesson at circus arts school. Did I ever mention that I'M TERRIFIED OF HEIGHTS?!?! Well I am. So when my friend Axx texted me with questions such as " are you afraid of heights?" answer: yes. "Do you get motion sickness?" answer: yes. I should've had an inkling of a feeling right?

And so low and behold the I received the ultimate gift that would test my inner strength and ability to not absolutely crap my pants. I took Christine with me, who definitely alot more excited than I was and left for Sydney Olympic Park. All I can say is, lucky my tights were black.


See the size of that ladder? I climbed that. ME! 5 TIMES! We were taught to swing our legs up and hang upside down, hang upside down then back flip off, hang upside down and get caught by another acrobat. So okay, of all the above all I could do was hang upside down and that was once. We got this on video, but I'm not sure if I want to share my flying trapeze failure with the inter web just yet. But all in all, it was definitely an experience I can say "been there, done that, bought the t-shirt". It was an awesome gift because It's something that I would have never done for myself, and I am glad I did it ( despite the bruises). The staff were very kind and especially supportive when I got to the top as they received comments such as " I think I'm going to vomit", "Don't let me gooooooooooooo" and such whining. So thanks Maple!

So my first reason for not baking on Sunday: the next morning I woke up and was unable to move my body. I probably used every single muscle in my upper body to be able to hang upside down, just that one time. So sore arms= couldn't mix dough or knead dough. ( Did I mention that I had bruises all across my rib cage? At least the harness did its job- safety first right?)

Reason two.

Yep. Got Foxtel IQ with new channels- MTV, C.I, Discovery Travel and Living. I love watching TV and could not wait to get through hours of trashy reality television, living vicariously through tattoo shows and true crime shows that remind me not to listen to my ipod when I'm walking home alone at night. TV saves lives!! So far, I've been a little bit addicted to Jerseylicious. It is amazing, and so bad I can't look away.

I think the reason why Jerseylicious is so appealing is because it takes me to an alternate universe where people are this fake-tanned and its socially accepted? I don't doubt for a second that girl's like this exist- in regards to how catty they could be, but its amusing to know that some women clearly haven't left the high-school mentality behind. Plus, if you keep watching you'll see that the hairstyles of the guys in the show really do exist too! Watch it and see for yourself, its awesome.

So there's two perfectly legitimate reasons. I was broken from an epic trapeze lesson, and was a tad caught up in the land of television. But never fear, I plan baking something nice to farewell ( for now) Frankie this friday!


x A

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