Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Cupcake Day!

It's Cupcake Day today apparently, and I've got nothin' for you . Muahahaa

Well, not tonight anyway. I'm baking tomorrow night, and trust me It's going to be goooood.

So going off the above, you may have guessed already but I won't be writing about baking tonight. I am happily sitting on my bed, listening to love song dedications with a bath towel on my head. How awesome are hot showers in winter? Bloody good I say!

But what's even better are these fabric wall decals by Mae.

Aren't they great? Super cute and girly, and there's a Veruca Salt person in my head right now screaming "I want these now!!" and stamping her feet (or that would just be me). I first saw them on after a brunch date in Summer Hill at a quirky little kid's store called 'My Messy Room'. I'd been there before, and always like going in to look at all the things I'm going to buy for my future children. Yes, they will have awesome rooms with Mae wall decals. I will also have them for my room too- would that be weird? Anyway, I don't care. Veruca Salt really wants them.

One other thing that has caught my eye was this book in Pentimento.

It's a little book of quotes and pep- talks based on certain situations or unfortunate events that a person may experience in life. In my case, the ones that really stood out to me were ones like:

"You can't live your life for somebody else"

"The flames that burn the brightest are often burn out"

"You're not bossy , you're assertive.


"Their judgement says more about them than it does about you"

Can you tell I bought this book? I bought two as gifts for friends, and I had to come back the week after to get a copy for myself. I have found the greatest generic gift that anyone would be happy with!

Oh yeah, I finally got my hands on some bts stills of the shoot I was on a few weeks back. Yep, I got to sit in a shiny black ferrari. Yeah boii!

Touch ups before my opportunity to shine! My moment lasted 15 minutes.

Photos by Damo.

Hey Ma, I'm sitting in a Ferrari and i might be on TV!

Anyway g'night! Watch this space for the baking stuff...

x A

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